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Thursday, 1 December 2011

Street Kid by Ruth Nyimba

With an innocent face

roams around the streets

moving up and down
begging for a single kwacha
to feed its empty stomach.

"Aunt help, Uncle help me

one kwacha only, I need food."
It goes from person to person
with the familiar tune on its lips
'to feed its empty stomach.

"Eish! Go away I have no money for you

come home with me if you can,
do not give it a kwacha it will get used to hand outs!"
Why say all this when it only needs a kwacha
to feed its empty stomach?

With no hope of a bright future

it goes under a bridge after sunset
with barely food in the stomach
it sleeps on a cold damp ground with no covering.

Know Ruth Nyimba

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